
Don't Fall Into the Loser Trap.

Let's be clear about what a loser is not. A loser is not someone who drops out of high school, never finishes college, watches hours of TV every day, gets fired, doesn't have a job, has no friends, uses drugs or drinks most days, is too fat or too skinny, can't hold down a job, or anything else along these lines. Nope, there is only a few things that take people into the status of a loser.

You immediately enter loserville when you start complaining, blaming, explaining, and making excuses. You can be all of the things above and much more but you only digress to loser status when you begin to think and talk like the following; It's my parents fault. I can't get a break. I have no energy. My iron is low. It's Bush's fault. I'm not pretty. It's Capitalism's fault. Rich people are screwing us. I'm too short. Companies aren't hiring. I can't afford college. It's outsourcing's fault. It's Nafta's doing. The Chinese took my job. My car sucks. My body hurts. I can't afford the Internet. Gas is too expensive. CEO's are taking my pay. Everybody is laying off. I'm too old, too young. The list goes on and on.

A loser is not someone that wastes their valuable time every day reading or listening to stories written or told by people trying to generate some ad revenue. You only reach loser status when you then use what you've heard or read and apply it to your life. You know you really have a bad case of loseritis when you then spend your time adding non-objective, non-researched, and non-sensical comments in chat rooms, on news sites, political blogs, and social sites.

Here's the dilio. Your life as it stands right now directly correlates with what you have put into it. No more and no less. You are reaping exactly what you have sowed. If you don't like the way something is going in your life, then go to work to change it. If you think it can't be done or it's too hard, keep in mind the 10's of millions of people living a pretty nice life. A funny thing will happen too when you start to take constructive action towards something positive and useful, you will stop complaining, blaming, and explaining.

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