
M - W or Th - S Job Seeker?

Or are you both, a Sunday through Saturday job seeker? Why do I ask? What's it matter? Who cares? Okay, relax, I'm just curious. I bet that I can tell you what type of job seeker you are without even knowing you. I bet I can be accurate about 90% of the time with most people. You are most likely a Monday through Wednesday'r.

There is one thing that anyone involved in the recruiting, job sites, human resources, recruitment advertising, or any other employment related business will agree on. The number of candidates received, job applications filled out, job ads clicked, and online job searches performed peaks Monday through Wednesday and falls off to practically nothing the rest of the time.

It has been my experience that Tuesday is the best or busiest day. I guess some are slow starters, or the pressure builds after not doing much Monday, or people are so busy at work on Mondays that they can't quite get to it until Tuesday. Let me make an educated assumption that is not based on any facts or evidence that I actually know. The people who job seek Sunday through Saturday have far shorter job searches and have more and better options and choices than those who only put in a few days per week.

You may have heard the old saying that a job search should be your full-time job. Whether you have heard that saying or not, obviously it is true. If you run out of companies to research and apply to after a day or two, you are not doing something right. It is literally endless but you have to dig and then dig some more. You are searching for a buyer for your service. To find a great buyer you need to do more than peruse your favorite job site. Running a few searches on a job site is not job seeking. You have to utilize multiple methods to find a buyer for your service. Like a salesperson might do to find a new customer, you may cold call, ask for referrals, research companies, network, advertise, etc.

Basically, you need to become a really good job seeker. That starts with doing it more often, getting more creative, being more efficient, and never giving up. The problem is quite possibly not your skills or experience. Call me the bad guy for saying so, but it is your lack of effort. Again, I am just going off of the fact that most people only put in a few days per week. If you want to get ahead, and this also applies if you already have a job that you want to keep, you need to work harder and smarter.

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