
Outrageous Education Costs

While this is not intended to be discouragement from pursuing additional education, I decided to confirm what I really already new, that the cost of online or on-campus education is beyond outrageous. The impetus behind this was a person that sent me some information about her background that included the title of this blog under her education section. It said, took a few classes at the University of Phoenix (online) - Decided not to pursue due to outrageous costs.

As I thought about it, I sincerely felt bad for her and other people who cannot afford college, and for those who are finishing college and now have an enormous pile of debt staring them in the face. It is really its own topic, but if you are not aware, the student loan business is a complete racket. Much has been written and can be researched on that topic if you are interested. Having just read several articles on the topic of the cost of education, it once again appears to be a relatively straightforward answer based on the consensus of these articles as to why things are as they are, government involvement. There is no doubt that government serves a valuable purpose, but no one can make a serious claim that government involvement into any business or industry leads to efficiency.

Like other public / government workplaces, the productivity of the workers, faculty and administration in this example, is suspect. It is argued that if these institutions required more productivity out of its staff, held down administrative spending and salaries, and if they stop spending uncontrollably with regard to capital improvements and freebies for many, you could reduce education costs by nearly half. I am aware from a university professor friend who lives across the street from me that he is definitely home a lot more than he is at his campus. I think home time is supposed to be for research and preparation, but I mostly see a lot of futzing in his yard. I once heard him complain about having to teach two class one semester. More power to him, but it certainly made me wonder. I bit my tongue in an effort to keep nice neighborly relations.

There are of course other factors in the out of control cost of higher education, but the bottom-line is that something needs to be done about it, and certainly Uncle Sam is not the answer. It is interesting that of all of the causes, fights, agendas, and other things that people fervently focus their time and effort on; it would seem that tackling the high cost of education might be a worthy cause. If you are really interested in helping people, help them to get a good education. Although, I am of the opinion that the usefulness of what you learn in college is highly suspect. Basically, a college degree can open doors into companies that require a degree, but it is certainly no determinate of future success. There are a number of other factors more important.

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