
Do You Have a News Problem?

Why should you care about how much news you watch or listen to? That is easy. The evidence is in and it is overwhelming in terms of the negative effects to our mind, and ultimately your body, being a news junkie. Don't trust this little blog. Research it yourself. Search in your browser "negative news effects". You may not have thought of it in these terms, but news is a product that is sold to people to earn revenue. Selling a product is very honorable, but as you know, what people and companies are selling is not always good for you. News might be compared to fast food. It's easy to get and goes down smoothly, but it is certainly not good for you. News is to your brain, as fast food is to your body.

But you like to be informed? Informed of what? Negativity? Death? Failure? Misery? That is what they are selling, because that is what people are buying. How is that beneficial for you, or anyone? It's not. But it is part of who you are and you feel a burst of confidence thinking that you are an "informed" individual. What is impressive is someone not familiar with the train conductor that killed 25 this morning, the politician or group that found a way to get more of your money, or the professional athlete who got a DUI last night. Think about this, the news you receive is not pure. The street value is not as great with this product when it is clean. You are being offered a product that has been cut with bias, attitudes, agendas, and certainly a lack of objectivity. You are aware of bias in the news?

Test to see if you have a news problem. On a separate sheet of paper, make a check mark when one of the questions applies to you.

1. Do you wake up in the morning thinking about the news from last night or yesterday?

2. Do you wonder first thing in the morning what the news of the day will be?

3. Is you alarm clock set to a news channel?

4. Do you turn the news on almost immediately in the morning?

5. When you drive to work do have the news on?

6. Are most of your radio presets on AM news?

7. Do you often discuss news with people when you get to work?

8. Is your homepage at work and home filled with news feeds and news sites?

9. Do you check your phone frequently for news updates?

10. Do you have a radio on your desk with the news playing?

11. At lunch do you try to sneak in some news at restaurants that have TVs?

12. Do you hop in your car on your way home and turn on the news?

13. When you get home, do you turn the TV news on within 30 minutes?

14. Is the news on while eating dinner?

15. Do you expose your children to news?

16. Do you get on your home computer and check the news at some point?

17. Do you watch the 10 or 11pm news most nights?

18. Do you fall to sleep thinking about the news? Your subconcious sure is working it over.

19. Are your favorite channels on your TV remote set to news stations?


0 - 1: Congratulations. You have found more useful ways to live your life.

2 - 5: There is still hope. Don't digress further.

6 - 10: It's getting a little scary.

11 - 15: Step 1 is admitting you have a problem.

16 - 19: An intervention is required.

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