
$100k+ To Hang Out at the Beach

So you're still looking for your dream job? Once again, you need not look further than the government (you) for your answer. I have heard it all, including five people at our local water district who earn over $250,000 per year, but this took me to new levels of disgust. What is a dream to many is a reality to some. How would you like to hang out in the sun at the beach all day, swim, people watch, only really work in the summer, drive around on a quad, ride bikes, and occasionally call the fire department? We have your answer!

In what is obviously more government gone wild, several lifeguards in Newport Beach, CA earn well over $100,000 and two earn over $200,000, according to public records produced by the OC Register. Wait, it gets better. How would like a $400 yearly sun products allowance, and a hefty pension to keep you on the beach when you're burnt out from your tough job and ready to retire? Did you know there is a lifeguard union? Why aren't I surprised?

Look, I agree that they have it tough in the winter months when the beaches are empty. According to the article, they have to "answer phones" and "paint lifeguard towers". Oy vey. For all those that are somehow not aware, and this certainly does not only apply to lifeguards, but public / government pay is a tad out of control. In the great state of Nevada where I am writing this from, government employees earned an average of $17,815 more — or 35% — than private workers last year. This is the nation's biggest pay gap.

When you hear the screams and irrationality coming from people who say don't make cuts in spending, do you not just shake your head? Have you noticed who is screaming the loudest? Of course, the folks trying to protect their livelihood and another gang who has never internalized the word responsibility. Let this sink in... $14+ TRILLION in debt. Do you want to talk "sustainability"? Everybody knows that you need a government to function, but does it really have to be so fat and out of control? But people need services? Really? I don't need anything but an occasional light bulb changed on my street lamp. Okay, the courts are nice and I kind of like having a national defense, but everything else I'll take care of on my own, thank you.

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