
Always Try New Things

When you try something new, it will almost always lead to something else that you had not thought of, and that something else leads to something, and it just keeps going and going, kind of like the Energizer Bunny. By the way, why are batteries such a rip-off? Taking action on anything has a ripple effect. I am convinced more people need to try new things, including me. Don't be afraid or worry about the outcome, just try it. What is the worst case? Maybe you waste a few minutes or a day. Big deal. At least you wasted time doing something other than wasting time on nothing, or the same things you always do.

The best case scenario is that by just trying something, and just going for it, will always lead to a new thought, idea, or solution that you would have never had if you did not originally try whatever it was. That is how inventions are made or how things are improved. I believe too many people think they can figure out the outcome of something before actually doing it, and they lean towards the negative outcome, and ultimately decide against it. What a mistake. Little do they understand that the assumptions we make are almost wrong. It is really too bad that people seem to be afraid to try more things. There is almost never a downside but always an upside.

No matter what it is, try something different. Test a different font or font size. Put zucchini in your spaghetti sauce. Don't walk around the block, jog. Pick up a book on sales or how to make a website. Try being exceptionally positive around your family. Buy some motivation cd's. Go to a Nascar race, horseback riding, or rent a movie that usually isn't your style. Learn how to make latch hook rugs. Build a model airplane. Go smoke a pork shoulder and make your own rub. Build a brick fire pit. Take a batch of cookies to your neighbor. Read the Constitution. Take a different route to get somewhere. Throw out that junk you never use. Paint your dining room. Go buy a bonsai and read about them. Join a club. Write a blog article without worrying about what people will think. Change your homepage. Turn on an educational channel instead of the news. Better yet, don't turn on the TV. Whatever you do, don't do the same thing you did yesterday.

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