
Success? Start in the Mailroom.

You know how there are some things you pick up or learn along the way that always stick with you, or that you just never forget? One of life's little lessons I recall is the daunting prospect of finishing school and needing, and wanting, a job. In the particular occupation I chose at the time, there was no instant path from school to being a full fledged professional in this field. Nope, you had to figure out a way in to get your shot and it was not going to be overnight. The idea that was shared, and the real life story of someone who did just this, was that sometimes you got to start in the mailroom.

The mailroom, ya right, you're funny. I know, you paid your dues in some training or college and you want it, even feel like you deserve it, now. Taking a lesser job is certainly beneath you. After all, what would your "friends" think? You spent all of this money and accumulated a ton of debt to get educated and you are asking me to start at the very bottom? Get real. Well, I'll share you what is real. Entire generations, you know, those old out of touch people who aren't as smart as you, often did things the old fashion way when it came to employment. They started low, worked hard, and they progressed. They were wise enough to not shoot for overnight success. They realized that only a consistent and concerted effort over a period of time is how you make it.

Here's the rub. Guaranteeing you an easy street into your chosen occupation is not how a productive and properly functioning marketplace works. Let me ask you this. How many businesses do you know that went from concept to success overnight? Not many. Well how does that compare to this situation, you may ask. That's easy. You are a business and you are going to be a business your entire working adult life. As such, you need to think and act from this day forward that you are an individual professional business entity. Like all businesses, in order to be successful, you need to develop your product and create value for customers (employers).

Take getting out of a trade school or college for example. You have done some things to improve your business, that is good, but it is certainly not enough in the marketplace to ensure your success. Along with training and schooling, you need real world experience and accomplishments so that your value to companies is confirmed. I often here people say, well how do I get experience if nobody will give me a chance? If I could just get in, I could show them. I know I can do that job. I wasted all of this money on school and now I can't get a job. First off, that method of thinking is half your problem. With a concerted effort and a no holds barred fight, you can get into any company. One of the big problems I see, while working in the employment field, is that most people make an incredibly weak effort to find a job. Remember, part of being a successful business means you need to develop your marketing and sales skills. Those key business functions get products (you) sold. A company can have the best product in the world, but if there is no effort or a poor effort to market and sell it, it will fail.

It seems what is lost in a generation of people is that they have not been taught, or have not made the connection, as to how things really work. I know, they don't teach the real world in school, but you know what, you should not rely on others, especially schools, for your knowledge and common sense. There is a generation of people who have the "give it to me now" and "I want it now" mentality, never realizing that you reap what you sow, but you must sow first. Is it any wonder people are like this? Attention spans and brain functioning is being developed with instant communication, texting, social networking, cell phones, video games, and a host of other products leading people to have an inability to focus and concentrate for any length of time. It is all about instant stimulus and gratification these days. That's not good.

Even more damaging is you have governments, politicians, media, and groups pushing the highly destructive entitlement mentality to us every day as they try to bring in more users and create more dependency. You have people telling you, all for their own benefit, that you deserve what others have and it is "your right". Is it? I always liked this quote. "I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."

If you want to do something that only has an upside and might actually help you get want you for yourself, consider starting in the mailroom. Remember, when you move and take action you learn and develop, and opportunities will be presented to you at some point. If you do nothing, nothing will happen. Again, taking action is the only way you will uncover new things and possibilities. Show people while working in the mailroom that you are outstanding, a dedicated worker, easy to get along, a team member, that you have potential, and they will give you a shot at some point. That is a guarantee.

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