
Personal Negative Online Reviews

Something many recruiters and Human Resources staff are integrating into their advice giving these days with the advent of the Internet is to always operate above board with people and companies and maintain the quality and respectability of your name online. This is not just advice for businesses anymore. Employers, hiring managers, and recruiters almost always research a person's name online to determine various aspects of a potential candidate / new hire.

Woman Being Sued for $750,000 Over Her Yelp Review:

With the Internet someone can easily submit a person's exact name, title, location, work history, education, and more to several websites and leave reviews of their perception of that person, whether positive or negative. What happens then is that when an employer or anyone else runs a keyword search on that person's name, these potentially negative and destructive comments and reviews will be the first to appear because these sites know how to maximize search engine results.

Ultimately, there is nothing that can be done to remove the reviews and comments, because after all, they are just someone's honest opinion. It is free speech, basically. Sure, if someone tells a complete lie, that could be a problem, but much can be said about a person without actually lying. These comments are permanent online records at this point and the time and expense to try and remove them would likely be overwhelming and futile. Even with non-unique personal names, these records will almost always show up on top of all search engines. The uniqueness of a name just ensures it. Also, if they start searching on additional criteria, like a past employer or title, you will be even more assured of topping the list.

So the point is that you should always deal honestly and fairly with companies as well as individuals. Sure, companies scam people on occasion, but often there are many more people trying to scam companies in one way or another. It seems the tables are now turned in some ways being that a company can give you a bad name. In the end it will always be far more devastating to the person than the company. While not foolproof, there is an easy way to avoid all of this as a company or person, just always keep your interactions and dealings honest and above board at all times.

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