
Resume Builders are a Waste of Time

So you have sort of come to the realization and conclusion that the employment game isn't a game at all but serious business requiring an exceptional effort. The connection has finally been made that what you present to prospective employers, hiring managers, human resources, and recruiters must be beyond exceptional if you want to impress them and get chosen for an interview. Congratulations, better late than never.

So now what. Do it yourself? You've been there. It's not working. Monster resume service? Do you feel like taking out a second mortgage to needless pay for an outrageously marked-up resume from the company they outsource to? CareerBuilder resume sevice? See monster answer. So then you start running some Internet searches and arrive at resume builders, some even claiming the holy grail, free. That's it! That's the answer. A cross between a resume service with a little DIY mixed in. A semi-homemade resume. Sounds delicious.

But in the back of your mind, you're thinking freeeeee. Something is telling you that nothing useful is ever really free. Well, maybe this is one of those rare occasions where a company is spending a lot of money on an Internet ad and they've decided out of the goodness of their heart to just go ahead and give it away. Ya, right. That ends the delusional free thinking. So now what? Well, a resume builder must be cheaper in some way than a resume service. Wait, a fleeting thought runs through your head that why I am seeking the cheap free route? This is my livelihood I'm talking about. Aren't I worth it? Oh well, let’s be cheap.

Okay, enough screwing around. Resume builders will never be a good option for several key reasons. Primarily, it has to do with the fact that a person needs to know exactly what items should be included on a resume and how they should be packaged to actually help sell a person. Throwing in the kitchen sink is a really bad idea for a resume and adding too little or the wrong information is just as bad. Packaging is what sells a product. You are not going to know while using a resume builder or resume making software what you should or should not include. You may think you do, but you don't. I've seen hundreds of thousands of resumes, and trust me, you don't.

Knowing exactly what to put on a resume takes many years of consultation directly with hiring managers, human resources staffing professionals, and everybody involved in the hiring process. Fortunately, there are some resume writers with this experience and you should invest in one. You don't want some resume writer that got an English degree, got tired of working at Target, and then opened up a resume shop. You want someone who will give you hardcore straightforward advice that will help you to get hired. Ask yourself this too in terms of your search for cheap. How much money will you spend frivolously on useless items, partying, and eating out this year? Maybe it's time you invest in yourself for once with a quality resume.

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