
Cover Letters: A Golden Opportunity

So your now at the cover letter stage. You ran a couple of searches to see if you should even send one, and of course you saw different opinions, so now you're not sure what to do. Some say that a cover letter is a thing of the past, well, I'm a recruiter and I find them useful a lot of the time, if nothing more than to know the person who just sent me their resume is sincerely interested in the position being offered. You must know that people just blast off resumes without even reading the job description or researching the company? A cover letter lets me know I am not about to waste my time with this person. Here's the deal. There is zero downside in sending one and only an upside. If you do decide to send one, do it right. Like the endless resumes I've looked at, most cover letters are brutal, and probably shouldn't be sent. It does not have to be that way, of course.

The tone and content of the letter should be consistent with the kind of position for which you are applying. A junior level opportunity will permit much more latitude than a more senior executive. Do not come across as overly desperate or aggressive in your writing. Be straightforward, succinct, and pleasant. Don't write it like you're sitting down to write your biography. Most people do not read biographies from famous, so they surely won't be interested in yours, no offense.

Hiring managers are busy and will not wade through fluff and nonsense. Your opening paragraph should clearly state the position for which you are applying. Include a reference code if requested and the referral source (e.g., recommendation from a fellow employee, saw the position on your website, etc.). Your opening may also include a synopsis of why you are a top candidate for the position. This has to be written just write for the rest of the letter to be read.

The body of your letter should contain the sales pitch. This is your chance to outline the top reasons why you are worthy of an interview. When writing the body text, keep in mind that hiring managers want to know what you can do for them, not learn about your life story. Demonstrate how your credentials, motivation, and track record would benefit their operation. Review your top key selling factors and weave them into the body. Many people spend too much time on this part of the cover letter citing irrelevant details from their work experience. The test you should keep in mind is: "If I were the prospective hiring manager, is this information important to me?"

Keep your letter positive and upbeat. This is not the place to write a sob story about your employment situation. Put yourself in the hiring manager's shoes. Would you call yourself in for an interview? Never mind, don't answer that. Keep the length of your cover letter reasonable. Recruiters and Hiring Managers often receive hundreds of applications for many positions. Help your letter to be read by concisely summarizing only the key points about yourself. Your final paragraph should generate a call for action, so express your strong interest in an interview and state that you will follow up soon to confirm your resume was received and discuss the possibility of meeting face-to-face.

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