
Unemployment: Reality Check

Nobody wants to see anyone unemployed, except for maybe your least favorite politician. Sorry to say, but if you are perpetually unemployed, it is not because of the economy, a shortage of jobs, evil corporations, interest rates, China, India, Mexico, your parents, or the government, although a case could be made that there would be more jobs if it were not for the burdensome taxes, regulations, and controls placed on businesses. It is also not because anyone is conspiring against you or because you were dealt a bad hand in life.

This is not for the person whose start-up just shut down, whose employer just left town, who is just out of school, or for any one of a number of reasons that someone may find themselves temporarily looking for a job.  This is for the ever growing number of perpetually self-employed people that have given up looking because they say that they can not find a job.  As if unemployment talk is not negative enough, I heard the media trying to make it even more negative by saying the unemployment rate is closer to 17%, with all of the people who have given up and given in.  If someone has given up, they should not be counted.  Someone who consciously makes the decision to quit should never be counted for anything.

The sooner this person can accept and acknowledge that there is no external factor causing their present situation, the sooner they can get on with securing a job and living a happy prosperous life. Yes, there are exceptions to everything, but very few. How could such an insensitive statement like this be made? Because, it is the case that the top 20% in any field, industry, or business will never be unemployed. We could be living on salt water ice cubes like the polar bears, as some would have you believe, and they would still be gainfully employed. Unless their company changes the locks, these people will be working at another company or competitor within days. They have nothing to worry about. Does that sound unbelievable? It is not. Let me repeat, the top 20% in any field, industry, or business will never be unemployed, and there are millions of them.

Where do you stand in relation to the top 20%? Ten out of ten of these people share certain characteristics. They work hard, they learn, they grow, they add value to their employer, they educate themselves, they speak well, they act sharp, they set goals, they are planners, they are not always attractive but they look good, they chose a degree, often advanced, requiring intelligence, they read books, they have confidence, they have emotional intelligence, they do not abuse their bodies, they only associate with winners, they are clear thinkers, they are optimists, they do not make excuses, they take risks, they always do their best, they did not factor the government into their life plans, and they are constantly looking for ways to improve themselves, people, and the company they work for.

Wow, that sounds like a lot of work? It is, but no more than fighting, struggling, and scratching your way through life. That is real work and it is not very rewarding, and the pay stinks. Well everybody cannot be in the top 20%. Why is that? So you will not be immensely better off if you end up in the top 30%, the top 40%? Unfortunately, many people spend more time developing their rationalization skills than developing themselves. The ability to rationalize, everything, has held more people back and sunk more people then we could ever know. Do not rationalize and make excuses. The top 20% never do.
Self-introspection is useful...

Do you go into a potential employer looking fit, sharp, neat, with a crisp well written resume and a great attitude? Do you smell like smoke, are you sure? Do you go into potential employers casual, unfit, sloppy looking, tattoos, piercings, or any of the other things that are not really that impressive? But that should not matter? Maybe, but it does. But I am me, it is my identity. Do you want an "identity" or do you want to eat and live well? Do you want a real identity? Be very successful and live like a king. That is an admirable identity.

Do you go into interviews unrehearsed, saying the first thing that falls out of your mouth? Have you spent more than 30 minutes reading, studying, and practicing your interview and presentation skills? Have you prepared yourself thoroughly, so when the opportunity presents itself, you are ready to seize the moment? Have you studied how to be a better communicator and how to sell yourself? How is your listening skills? How do you really prepare?

How is your training, education? When / what was the last thing you did to increase your knowledge and increase your value in the marketplace? So you are educated. What is your degree in? But you like those topics. It is not really about what you like? It is about what the market likes. Well that is not right? Maybe, but do not complain when you do not have a job. when was the last time you looked into getting a degree, another degree, a certification? You have done enough? How is your grammar? How is your vocabulary? When was the last time you worked on this area? What is the last new word you learned? When is the last time you self taught yourself something. Who is your favorite author? Can you name an author?
What are you looking at on the Internet? Whose sites are you putting comments on? Are you reading inspiring, uplifting, motivating stories, or watching the news? What websites do you have bookmarked? How many news headlines do you have listed on your homepage? What is your homepage?

What have you done to find a job? You spent an hour on a job board yesterday? How is that working out? What else did you do to find a job? How much real digging for potential employers have you done. Does it seem like there is not that many companies out there? Did you know there are 10's of millions of employers in the U.S. How many have you looked into and tried to approach? 100? 200? More like 30?

Did you know there are hundreds of thousands of unfilled jobs? Do you know why they are not filled? Do you know what skills they require or what the market is looking for? Do you know what education they require? You do not believe these jobs are available? I just pulled out 5 companies from the healthcare and biotech industry. Number of open jobs? 2,676. That is only five companies. Never let the words, there are no jobs, fill your head. Bachelors and no job? What would a Masters get you? You cannot afford it? My spouse graduated after six years from a large California university with zero help or support, working full-time. It can be done. Everything is possible.

How is your confidence? Do you like yourself? Are you positive, pleasant, a good communicator? Do you talk more then you listen? Do you ask a lot of questions? Are you your favorite topic? Are you more of fault finder, complainer, or blamer? Do you judge? What's the last self-improvement book you read or audio that you listened to? When was the last time you were in a library or a book store?

How are your job references. What would last boss say about you? What would your co-workers say? Would they say you are the go to man or the most helpful co-worker they ever worked with? What was the last thing you volunteered for? How many times did you get in early or stay late? Did you mostly complain, gripe, bitch? How often did you call in sick? Do you believe in working your way up at a company or are you angry because you want it now?

Without thinking about it, describe two important goals, besides getting a job, you have set for yourself for the next week, month, or year. You do not have goals? They are in your head? You do not write your goals down? How is that working out? Never been a big goal setter?

who do you associate with? Who are you hanging out with this weekend? Are you going to be tip'n a few or maybe checking out for a couple of days? What do they do for a living? Are they positive, motivating and uplifting? Do you aspire to be like them? No? Then stop associating with them. Find new friends.

There are many things we can do to help our own cause. You must be aware that nobody else is going to help you. They have themselves to worry about. It is never too late. There are endless examples of people who have made changes at all stages and ages in life. Age should not even factor into your thoughts. Age is a useless number.

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