This is no small-time dealer. This one has an army of millions and they are growing. The dependency evolves and gets stronger. There is no leveling off. Once they have hooked you, you need more, and more. Soon, like with any highly destructive drug, the life you had dreamed about is over. You give in and you give up. The forces are just too strong. With other drugs, you have the possibility to stop. This one acts differently. It doesn't attack your brain, it attacks your very soul. This is no ordinary addiction. This is scary.
Creating an army of dependents is their goal. The more dependents, the more they can continue to implement methods that bring in new users and solidify their current user base. Like pushers do, they will tell you they care about you and that they are looking out for you. They do not. If they did, they would not be pushing such a destructive path of dependency. They will work hard to get you to take a taste in hopes that they can hook you. Do not do it.
They constantly employ new tactics and programs to get you or your children get started. Like any good pusher, they try to get users at a young age. They talk about anything that will illicit fear so that you will think you need them. They know that fear paralyzes and causes distorted thinking. They also make grandiose promises of free items, like healthcare, retirement benefits, food, housing, transportation, etc. They will promise you anything and everything, because they know you will soon forget.
They will tell you that you deserve what others have. They will talk of the "public good" as if this supersedes the individual, you. They do not care that their drug has ruined an endless number of people and societies. That is the furthest thought from their mind. They just want more users, period. They will not tell you that when incentive is taken away, and the productive are punished, the users are the ones who ultimately suffer, not the other way around. The productive will adjust and just work around the addicted.
Be aware of the co-pushers. They are are sneaky forces working together and benefiting from your main addiction. These take many forms and are easy to spot. You will begin to notice that was once a pleasant flip of the channels to find a sitcom, a relaxing cup of coffee and the newspaper, a casual browse of the Internet, is now all out warfare. They are looking for you and any opportunity to suck you in and rob you of your spirit.
Do you know why most news stories you are here are depressing, negative, and gloomy? Because that is what users are buying. It desensitizes, de-motivates, and keeps you coming back for more. The more horrifying, the more you will be interested. You need more and more for a quick rush, a quick fix. Can you see how the addiction progresses as the co-pushers develop into cartels? Morning, lunch, dinner, nightly, and 24 hour bombardment supporting the main pusher. They overwhelming support the main pusher. Why? We do not really know, but studies are underway. We do know that supporting the other side may lead to less users, at least that is the premise they work off of.
The end result of this dependency is the same every time. It robs you of your self-esteem, your dignity, your self-worth, and your life. What started out as a big abundant world with endless possibilities and excitement, turns into a life of nothing, just dependence, fear, and misery. Sadly, there are endless examples around the world of the perils of this addiction, but these are ignored and not taught in school anymore.
These pushers are not going anywhere, unless you decide their fate for them. They have nowhere to go. Most have no skills. They are not businessmen. All they really know is how to develop users. They hone their messages, they recruit the vulnerable, they attack reason, and they are relentless. It is about them, their gang, and votes.
The mental and emotional signs of addiction are well documented.
* Cycles of being very talkative, “high”, cheerful, with boundless energy.
* Increased irritability, agitation, anger, and frustration.
* A strange calmness, unresponsiveness, or looking like you are floating in space.
* Apathy and depression.
* Paranoia and delusions.
The one and only step to a cure, and it is no easy path, is to stop factoring them into your great life. You cannot stop the pushers, but you can control yourself and your children. Work off of the premise that the government, although immensely valuable for its intended purpose, is not their to provide for you. When you learn about the pusher's new programs, ask at whose expense. Ask yourself when you overhear the pusher if what they are promoting is doing nothing but creating more dependent helpless people? Isn't that anti-compassion?
Signs you are cured? You are happy again. You feel positive, motivated, excited about life. You have made new friends who share your new beliefs. You opt to read a book, learn something new, or better yourself. You do not seek out the pusher or really care about what they are up to. You do not complain, blame, make excuses, and rationalize anymore. You think of the world in terms of abundance and opportunity. You feel positive for the future and your ability to have a great productive life. You are now living a life free from dependence. You are in control.
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