
Learn iT! Anytime - e-Learning

Get ahead in your job and career by tapping into over 12 online office productivity courses including Microsoft Office, Graphic Design, Web Design, Desktop software, Productivity Software, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft access, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Project, Intuit Quick Books, Windows, HTML, Photo Shop, DreamWeaver.

The most important part of any video-based class is the teacher. We've all had bad instructors, and none of us wants another one. Learn iT! Anytime self-paced video courses are exclusively taught by the same top-tier professionals who teach live classes every day at Learn IT! San Francisco—the little school that big Silicon Valley companies trust with their training!

With your membership you will receive access to our entire library of video-based learning, including printable material, suggested homework, support materials, and the ability to ask an instructor questions. Videos are meant to be streamed over a broadband Internet connection. They are in Internet standard MP4 format. Don't worry if you've never heard of MP4. Chances are you can play it already. If not, a free thirty-second download will get you running. The course videos are designed to allow you to follow along while you learn. The video will pause on its own to allow you to try out your new skills. Practice builds retention and understanding, so we think that this is a very important part of our sessions.

Topics are combined into learning "modules". You can watch individual topics (3-8 minutes) or complete the full module. Each course module should take you a couple of hours to complete, including "try it yourself" time. The sessions include suggested "homework" assignments, which can take anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the subject and how much fun you obsess into it.

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