If you do really want a job and you are not just paying lip service to the idea in order to make yourself feel better, then a job is out there waiting for you. That is not wishful thinking or a theory. That is a fact. If you have packaged an intelligent, focused, and professional resume presentation that will impress hiring managers, HR, and recruiters, studied and practiced interviewing and rapport building, and have correctly gone about the process of working hard and smart to find a job, the only answer as to why you have not found one is because you do not really want one, and as a result, you are unconsciously sabotaging your efforts. Sorry, the truth hurts. Otherwise, it is just inexcusable to not find quality employment in America within a reasonable amount of time.
You have conflicts. You are not real happy about having to find a job or being in the situation in the first place to have to look for one. Many people just finished their ultimate goal of an education and jobs are not jumping out at them. Guess what? People need to adjust their goals. Education is a means to end. It is not the end. Quite possibly, one of the most useful things you could have learned in school was how to get a job. I know, they don't teach a lot of useful life tools in college, but you know what, they should not have to. It is ultimately a person's responsibility to learn these things. Many even think that they have job searching all figured out, but nobody is calling. People believe they are real savvy and in the know using job and networking sites and that they are real good searching the Internet. How is that working out?
Okay, so you are not a new graduate and you have been in the workforce a long time and you suddenly find yourself in the position of needing a job. That does not make you unique. Tens of millions of people have had jobs, lost jobs, changed jobs, had companies go out of business, or any one of many reasons that led to unemployment. Are you looking for compassion? Sorry, but everyone has their own problems and issues so you are on your own. Nobody is ever going to care about you more than you care about yourself. Let that sink in. You certainly have the tools available to put yourself in a more employable situation, but you have to want it, not just talk about it.
If you have not noticed, the nation is filled with incredibly motivated, focused, and goal oriented people who prepare themselves constantly, make good decisions at work and act responsibly in their personal life, and as a result achieve a pretty nice life for themselves. At the same time, you have millions of people who are whiners, complainers, and blamers out there who are unmotivated and have a highly destructive entitlement mentality. A deadly combination. If you are in the latter, you know it, and you need to stop. Stop listening to politicians and groups telling you that the rich man is keeping you down or screwing you over. That is just not true or accurate. The only one doing anything to you is yourself. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you can progress into a better situation.
Here is how you go about really wanting a job. First of all you make the decision right now that a new job is your primary goal in life. Next, you do not degrade yourself and damage your brain by buying into what people with an agenda are telling you about why you can't, how bad the economy is, and why companies are not hiring. It is not true and you are a fool to buy into these. You stop factoring in what the government or anyone else can do for you or how they can help. That is the surest sign of a loser. You stop finding a way to survive with a measly welfare or unemployment check. You get out of your parent's house and become a responsible adult. You don't celebrate being able to stay on their health insurance until you're an adult embarrassment. You do not engage in destructive activities like reading and commenting on news sites and blogs. These sites are solely in business to make money off of you with advertisements. You act responsibly and you delete your useless Facebook and Twitter account. They are a horrific useless waste of precious time and life. You stop thinking about how you wish the government could get rid of your student loans and you man up to your responsibility.
If you do all of these things, your life will change quickly and dramatically. You will stop doing what you have been doing which is getting you nowhere. Have you heard the saying, if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got, or you reap what sow, but you must sow first? That is simple effective advice. Life is short, but it can also be very long if it is a struggle. Decide right now that enough is enough. You are going to live a great life and capitalize on all of the great things it has to offer. While many are intent on trying to change and destroy it, you currently live within the greatest economic system ever devised that offers limitless opportunities. Do yourself a favor and take advantage of it.
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