
A $100k Job For You Right Now

While I am accused often enough of not being serious, I am not joking about this. There is a job and career available right now today for you that can take your earnings to $100k plus. In fact, to many of these people in this profession currently, they would feel like they were living on welfare if they were only making a $100k. There is not just one of these jobs available either. There are hundreds of thousands of openings. Wait, it gets even better. You do not have to have any experience to this job. You can be 18 years old or 80, have a degree or not, and you can live anywhere you choose.

It is a hard job, but only mentally. The only heavy breathing you will do at the end of the day will be from the exhilaration of a productive day where you made some bank. The job is dynamic, exciting, and challenging; just ask the brave people who decided to take the plunge. These people get the satisfaction of knowing they are part of the very fabric that makes the world go around. Without them, business shuts down and economies sink. It is truly one of the most honorable and oldest professions. Don't be a pig. You know some of these people now, and the good ones, you really like and respect them.

The requirements are light, and even these aren't set in stone. It is generally agreed upon that you should have a sharp haircut, no facial hair, piercing, or tats, clothing that is pressed, and shoes that you could pick your teeth in. Hey, perception is reality, so you probably don't want to look like you live on Mickey D's three times a day. You want to exude polish and success, and look like you make good decisions. You need to become a knowledgeable and trusted advisor to people.

You are going to want to shut out the negativity in your life. No news or social site junkies allowed, and your friends and the people you associate with need to be positive, motivating, and success oriented. You will quite possibly need to ditch some people, since the influence alone from negative people can keep you down. You will get most of your training, tools, ideas, and motivation from your own effort. You need to develop a library of books and CD programs that you read and listen to each day. No car radio from this point on. That's for the other half now.

You ready? What we are talking about is being a professional salesperson. Oh come on, I couldn't be in sales. Why is that? Is it because your perception of a salesperson is that of a loud, pushy, and obnoxious person? Well, that's not really reality, and if someone is like this, they don't last in sales. Sure, you will need to develop a degree of resilience and an intense goal oriented focus, but how could that be bad? Your best salespeople are low key and good listeners. They question more than they talk. In fact, you like being around these people.

What separates a successful salesperson from a mediocre one is what's going on upstairs. If you can overcome the mental factors, like fear of rejection, and just keep pushing on and making the calls and presentations, you will definitely earn 100k. If you do this, it is not possible to fail. If you are worried you don't fit the mold, keep in mind that persistent hard work is by far a bigger factor in sales than personality.

Where do you get a sales job? Think about this way. Every business sells a product or service that needs to be sold. It is literally endless the number of companies that need salespeople. There are endless job openings and opportunities if you look. Start your sales training now and start prospecting for an employer who can use your service. For many in the job market, what's your alternative?

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