
Who Are You Rolling With These Days?

Online, offline, or wherever, the company you keep has more to do with you becoming successful in life than anything else. It's true. Who you associate with on a regular basis, at work or play, is enough to end any chance of you ever obtaining any measurable degree of success. As such, who you associate with is also enough to help you to become more successful. Have you heard the saying, if you scratch with the turkeys, you will never fly with the eagles? It's pretty obvious what that is saying, and whether or not you want to heed the advice, at least you know.

Birds of a feather flock together, and like attracts like. I'm no Psychologist, but plenty has been written on the suggestive influence the people around you have on you, and what happens to you in life. We are not referring to the people you meet up with once a year for a hunting trip or an occasional barbeque. We're talking about the people you see most weekends, associate with daily at work, and spend a fair amount of your time with.

You have probably heard it said, or thought it yourself, that people start to look like each other when they live together long enough. I know, there's a bit of a creep factor when you see it, but there is a reason for it. I've even seen dogs that seem to resemble their owners. You absolutely take on the characteristics of the people and things around you. If they are out of shape, dress sloppily, smoke, exercise, drive a Yugo, etc., then there is a good chance you will do or be the same. What opinions do they have? Do they complain, make excuses, and blame? There's a good chance that you do too. Are they positive, uplifting, and goal oriented? You probably are as well. Do they have a foul mouth and argue with their spouse non-stop? How's your mouth?

Maybe you don't believe it or you don't care? Hey, these are your peeps! That is fine. It is your decision and everyone defines success differently. Keep in mind, success is not only about financial success, or success in business or a career. You can be a successful parent for example, but once again, the people you associate will ultimately determine how good you are at that important job too. If you don't define a large bank account as a sign of success, maybe you can put a spin on it. If you were more successful financially, how would you feel about having extra money to help those you love? Maybe make their life a little more pleasant? Maybe give a parent or child a little something extra.

Do you think you could make a more informed decision regarding the money aspect of success if you first had it, and then decided it's not for you? Why don't you try it and then make your decision. Obtain great heights with your career, in business, and financially, and then make the call. Wouldn't that give you a more balanced informed perspective on the topic? Sounds like a lot work? It is, but I'm not sure it is any more work than scratching out an existence. That sounds like work, and not very enjoyable.

We are not talking about not accepting people for who they are. Go ahead and accept them, but just not hang around them. I know, it's hard. Consider this for a moment. Why don't you take the lead. Slowly go away for a while, set some higher standards for yourself, change your thinking and attitude, and then go back for a visit. Two things can happen. You will see just how detrimental the thinking, habits, and actions really were with your new frame of reference. Or, just maybe, you will inspire them. Maybe they will start to live there lives at a higher level. If you don't see changes immediately with them, get out, so all of your hard work to improve wasn't for nothing. Think about this. Wouldn't you be a true friend if you helped another friend to be better and to live better? That sounds like a true friend to me.

Yes, there are other factors for success, but none as important as your peer group. You can try very hard to better yourself and your thinking, but the force of gravity pulling you down is just too strong if you choose to stick with the crowd that doesn't share your same beliefs and attitudes. Consider this too. If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got. Try something different.

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